More active Tours in Sri Lanka

In Sri Lanka you can enjoy just about any activity to make your holiday memorable. Sri Lanka Tailored Tours will happily organise a tour which concentrates on the activity of your choice (such as Surfing, White Water Rafting, Trekking etc.) or a combination of all things you would like to do.


The video below shows that the surf in Sri Lanka (Arugam Bay - one of the top 10 surf spots in the world) is good enough to be chosen by UK Pro Surf (

Apart from Arugam Bay there are many places, especially on the southern coast where surfing is good, the beaches excellent and hotels great.

Of course, you do not have to spend your entire holiday being adventurous and could combine any of these activities to a cultural or relaxing beach holiday.....the choice and freedom is yours.


Trekking tours can be easily arranged as the hill country provides great walking and trekking opportunities. The area around Nuwaraeliya is particularly good. Horton Plains National Park is ideal trekking country (and you can experience 'Worlds End !). A little to the west lies Adams Peak (Sri Pada) which is great for climb up steps (don't underestimate this - it will take you 2.5 - 4 hours or more to climb and will remind your leg muscles/knees that they are there!)

Picture of steps

Please note that the 'handrails' are only at the top of the climb




Whatever you want (if it's legal!) – we can do.

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White Water Rafting

White Water rafting picture

Customers White Water Rafting at Kitulgala 2009

(on the river where "The Bridge on the River Kwai " was filmed)

White Water rafting in Sri Lanka is a great experience which is enjoyed by both beginners and experienced rafters (different 'grades' of white water are available). If you have never done this before or you are not a great swimmer, do not worry you will be well looked after by the 'crew' accompanying you and will be fitted out with the most eye catching safety equipment!


Picture Adams Peak

Adams Peak 7,360 feet (5000+ steps - 7 km to the top)

These are just of the activities you could enjoy on your tour and we will be more than happy to discuss your wishes with you and give you some more suggestions on building your perfect holiday.